Oct 27, 2012

Saturday night special

Last Saturday, my husband had my house pumping with his new 90's r&b pandora station. Leading up to this, I had to hear daily for the entire week how I was missing out.. and how he put so much effort into composing the station with all the right artists circa our first year or 2 dating even quizzing me on artists he may have forgot.
Well, when he sneakily switched stations on our squeezebox to his station last weekend, I was pleasantly surprised. I forgot how much those songs brought me right back to all 4 years of high school and all of the corresponding dances that went with them. Do you remember this one?

Soul 4 Real - Candy Rain
 "My love, do you ever dream of
Candy coated raindrops?
You're the same, my candy rain"

We interrupt.....

.......the regularly scheduled programming to share something SO lovely.
Our favorite etsy seller (pertaining to man's best friend), just entered into a licensing deal to sell her artwork on pillows. I love my Shiba art so much from Ursula Dodge, and she's practically the only one out there that can get that breed right. (Usually we are restricted to the likeness of foxes because Shiba's are damn near impossible to find.) Doesn't hurt that what she does is painstakingly ca-uutee.
If you are anything like me and have a small obsession with your furry child, go check out the sale over on Fab.com. Unfortunately, the Shiba isn't popular enough to license for a pillow, so I'll have to pass, but if you have any of the more popular breeds, you're in for a treat!

Oct 26, 2012

Thou shalt not Covet

"You shall not covet your neighbor's...." well... anything, but that's not what we do here. In celebration of the weekend and TGIF! by the way, we are keeping it light here to round out the week. With the welcome of Saturday and Sunday brings the need to spend your well earned paycheck on some drinks or on things you love. Works just like Visine and helps get the burn out. Until Monday....

I want, I want, I WANT!

Oct 25, 2012

Here comes the bride, all dressed in...

Courtesy of: PEOPLE
"It's a nice day for a....white PINK wedding!"
I know I'm not the only one that was stabbed in the heart by seeing Jessica Biel's much anticipated wedding garb. The rest of the online fashion community seems pretty thrilled with her choice, but I on the other hand, cannot get over a few things. 
  1. Why did People magazine make the bride SIT for the cover photo? Oh, I should've known better, you want me to pay $4 to get a full glimpse inside.
  2. Was it really necessary to put a story about Britney right next to Justin's head. I mean, the couple trusted you enough to run their wedding exclusive and seriously, Jessica had to be spitting at your magazine when she saw this. (I also won't speak of putting Sandusky next to the bride's head. Can you say tasteless?)
  3. I wonder if Jessica ever got to attend prom. Her dress reminds me of a dress you would regret immediately after getting your professional photos back.
I just want to go on the record that I really am not a bitter person. I just speak my mind when really I should join the masses and say how wonderful it is that she took a fashion risk. Look, not all fashion risks are a good idea. Especially the day of your wedding.
Now, a few more deets on the dress. Jessica's gown was designed by Giambattista Valli, an Italian designer that shows at Paris fashion week. His line just debuted in 2005, and previously the designer has worked under fashion houses like Emmanuel Ungaro and Fendi. He designs a couture collection in addition to a Bridal line and did a contemporary lower-priced collection for Macy's last fall.
Photo via Style.com
The dress that Jessica chose as her wedding gown looks awfully similar to the gown that walked down the runway during GV's Spring 2012 show. So, now you can see why I had heart palpitations regarding her choice. If you haven't noticed the floral sponge-paint print on the People cover, you can now. Pink has been done times before, like Gwen Stefani or Reese Witherspoon, and it's held its own nicely. I actually l.o.v.e. the silhouette of this dress and I think it could've looked spectacular in layers of tulle - an ivory, eggshell color or even blush tone with some embellishment for god sake. 
In good news, we did hear that she chose another frock for the reception. We bet that one is cute, where is it?! Oh right, inside the magazine. Don't worry JB, at the end of the day you could have walked down the aisle in a bikini. You're still married to one of the most good-looking men in Hollywood. Congrats!
Speaking of the groom, People reported that his tux was a Tom Ford in which he helped design. I appreciate the gesture but really, why do you need to help Tom Ford? Not for anything it's a tux, so what did you do to it? God, you're cute.

Congrats & happy honeymoon to the newlyweds! 
Wonder where they chose to relax after this spectacular Italian affair.....

Oct 24, 2012

Whatta'ya Love Weds

We all wish we were at Fashion Week every season, but coming from experience, it's definitely not all that it's cracked up to be. Ask those blisters on your feet when you get home at night, they'll tell ya.

Photo via studdedrose tumblr

Oct 23, 2012

Blue jean, baby

I had this design interview late last week, and while I will be professional and not mention the details of said interview (it was poorly conducted), it roused up some feelings in me that I have not been able to get over. 
I have had the honor of being able to travel across the world and work alongside denim manufacturers from the beginning to the end of the process. It was something I'll never forget or take for granted. Unfortunately, this also has cursed me with the knowledge of knowing what I'm talking about when it comes to the product. I'm like a sponge, if I'm interested, I take it all in. I never claim to know much about anything, but I think I can take this one since I was able to learn first hand on a few occasions. In this particular instance, it was apparent that I knew way too much for my own good. I even experienced a few (hypothetical) slaps on the wrist for playing devil's advocate. I mean, really, how am I supposed to dance around the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about? Sorry, I promised I would be more tactful. 
Anyway, since it's been about 6 months now (holy cow!) that I haven't had my hands on a wash sample, I realized after this phone call that I'm passionate about my skills and knowledge in Denim, and not for anything, I will use them against you. Everyone said it was a category you either loved or hated. I kind of landed in the denim world, but quickly formed a fascination with it. It was complex, it was more than met the eye, and everyday was a challenge to overcome. You had to be on your toes or else it could stray very, very, wrong. (ahem, obviously the direction this company was headed. OK, really I'm done now.) I don't think I'll ever want get away from it. I love it. I love it more than the average designer. A jean is a jean is a jean. Not to me they're not. I appreciate every nuance in that pant. Sick in the head? Maybe...but, you can't help what you love and I really do feel maybe I'll always have a hand in it.
I know situations like this arise for a lot of people. There's always someone out there that just makes your eyes bulge out of your head. Sometimes it makes me wonder if we're meant to come across these people in order to wake us up to what we truly feel deep down. Like a good ol' flight or fight response, where all of a sudden your passion takes over. It's a good feeling. Although it can also give you an ulcer the size of a grapefruit, the overall feeling you get is a great one. It's good to know who you are. It may have taken me 25 years to figure it out, but I'm pretty happy to finally feel like I get it. It's my New York spark that my mom likes to refer to. At 18, landing in the city, I had the same flight or fight response, but I had no choice. Like they say, in the city you either swim with the big fish or get eaten for dinner - your bones spit in the Hudson. After a night of trying to flee, with no luck, my fight response took up again. From that day forward, NY gave me what I needed that I wasn't getting anywhere else and that was a backbone. No construction worker on the street, HR rep at an internship, or wacko roommate was going to push me around. Each bit of adversity that I overcame built me up into a stronger person that could handle any situation. That's really the best M.O. in life to have. NY didn't make me 'hard', but I'm not soft either... maybe just "hard-boiled" - soft on the inside, tough flexible shell on the outside. ;)

Oct 22, 2012

Fashion focus on: Downton Abbey

Since mid-September, my Sundays have been filled with the best live-streamed television on this side of the Atlantic. Don't worry, no spoiler alerts here - if you're not already watching, you'll just have to catch up in January when it finally hits PBS. I wish I had that kind of self control for Downton, but whatever, I can admit it I don't!
Season 3 has already proven itself to be one of the best yet coming from the Grantham clan and last week's episode (which I missed and had to watch the repeat yesterday) made me crazy for it even more.  Oh the drama is just too good! 
In addition to the 27 Emmy nominations, one for the cast's fashion designer herself, Susannah Buxton (who is no longer with the show), the fashion world has simultaneously started crushing on Downton Abbey with the rest of America and collections showcasing the romance and heritage of England started making their ways down the runway. Case in point, Ralph Lauren's Fall 2012 collection showcased 'modern glamour and refined elegance inspired by the timeless characters' of the show. Not to mention, the models walked down the catwalk to the show's opening theme music. The brand will also become the show's first TV sponsorship for Masterpiece on PBS starting in January. I'm pretty confident that this will be a continuing surge of popularity among designers. Who can resist?
 Season 3 opens in the beginning of the 1920's and the styles of the clothing change considerably as the season goes on. Of course, since season 2 ended with a proposal, you'd have to assume that season 3 begins with a wedding... and that my friend's means a wedding dress
I won't kill you any longer with the subtle hints about the new season, you can find all those on the trailer that has been running on PBS, (told you I wouldn't spoil anything), but let's change our focus onto the fashion of the greatest show to be currently running on television. Le sigh!
The pomp!
The circumstance!
The casual!
The elegance!
The distinction!
The hats!
The silk!
The embellishments!
All photos credit to: http://downton-is-life.tumblr.com/