Jan 31, 2013

Oh, Stella

Are you familiar with Garance Doré? Are you familiar with her web series "Pardon My French"? Well, if not... this is a good start. Stella McCartney has always been such a muse for us designer folk, at least for me. She's pretty darn amazing...and quite the inspiration. She's so down to earth, smart and someone you would love to have as a best girl friend. I love in this video how Garance is so star-struck by meeting her favorite designer - giggles, red-face and all. Makes you feel kind of more human, doesn't it? Check it out.

"....I think it's really interesting to approach any industry in a different way. Even if it was just that I only use the color red, you know, I think it's an interesting thing to do in the world that we live in." - Stella McCartney

Jan 29, 2013

Worst dressed: SAG awards

Over the weekend was the SAG awards, did anyone catch it? ....yeah, didn't think so. Anyway, it is an awards show, and we're in the business of fashion, so rule #1 is we must analyze all red carpets. It's just like, what we do. Since the SAG awards pretty much got trumped by Downton Abbey - oh our poor Sybil, wah! - we're not going to beat around the bush. Here are the top 3 worst looks from the show.
Julianna Margulies in Chado Ralph Rucci
What went wrong?: Well let's start with how jacked up the dress is on her. The fit of the dress is terrible, the shoes are terrible, and that slit does not soothe the eye. I'm definitely not feeling this look.
Kaley Cuoco  in Romona Keveza
What went wrong?: Kaley's wig, for one. It is a wig, right? It sits like 6" above her hairline. The dress, is too sweet, but to make matters worse it's been shortened beyond anything that would look even remotely appropriate. What would you call this length? I don't think it exists because it's just not flattering. Doesn't she look 2 bodies clicked together?
Lea Michelle in Valentino
What went wrong?: This dress is pretty. Young, but maybe if you're a sex-pot like Angelina Jolie or a super model, you could kill in this dress. Lea Michelle should not have attempted this one, nor should she have attempted the ombre hair-do. She looks like she could be walking the carpet for the premiere of Mean Girls... circa 2004.

It's startling that so many uber-rich, uber-talented, uber-beautiful, uber-styled celebrities can get it so wrong for these shows. They have access to everything that can work SO right for them, yet time and again we always have a worst dressed list. Oh well - I guess, they keep Joan Rivers in business!

Jan 28, 2013

death & taxes

It's the last week in January, (can you believe how it's flying by?), and that inevitably means you all are getting ready to prepare your taxes. I have never really been put off that much by having to do my taxes. I actually stalk the mailman for our W-2's so I can get them over with. This year, with the big move and all, it has taken unusually long to get back all of the W-2's we had for 2012. Out of 5, we still have 2 outstanding and... it's torture.
Taxes remind me that Spring is right beyond the horizon and it doesn't hurt to splurge a little after all the crap you've been dished throughout the year. I'm a child of Suze Orman, in the sense that I'm a saver rather than a big spender. I like to watch bank accounts grow in some sick twisted way, and it pains me to have to use my Emergency Fund for said emergency. BUT, I'm also a Taurus.... and if you know anything about astrology you would know that Taurus' are creatures that love the finer things in life, like good food and luxurious vacations. Work hard, play hard is what I like to think of it as. So, that being said, would it kill you to gift yourself a little somethin' somethin' with the sliver of money you may get back from the government? I mean, it's yours anyways!
Here are some splurge-worthy items that I would recommend when Uncle Sam makes his deposit...

Christian Louboutin Rampoldi Ankle-strap Pump $895
Wedding season is coming up... if you're going to splurge, do it on a heel that can take you day to night, in a classic style, in a classic color that'll never get old.

Roberto Coin Diamond Initial Necklace $1200
When was the last time you bought yourself some real jewelry? Tax time is the perfect time to make an excuse to do so... don't wait for the hubby or an anniversary to get a little bling bling. These initial necklaces are classic and you can get any letter you want for what ever reason you want. It doesn't always need to be for your name. People are wearing letters of their kids, letters of their spouses.... or are you a newly-wed? How about the letter of your new last name? First step to embracing your new life.
Haviland "Syracuse" Fine China (price varies) 
Last but not least, maybe it's time to upgrade some things in your humble abode. A great investment would be in some fine China. Now people think of China, and they think stuffy, but it doesn't have to be. You can find some great modern designs today and a dinner guest can never say they don't appreciate eating off an amazingly fine piece. It's also a great item that could ultimately stay in your family for generations to come. Worth the splurge.

I say, the best way to handle a tax return is save more than you spend, but make sure your spending makes an impact in a good way. Something that you wouldn't just buy any other time, and something that you'll have around for years... investment pieces. Have fun filing and remember, if you're one of the lucky ones that actually see a return instead of owing, you OWE yourself a treat.