Jan 7, 2013

Look good working out

Welcome to the official first full week of 2013... Are you ready to throw your resolutions out the door yet? Many people start the new year off with a focus on fitness. I wish I was one of those "work-out" types. I hate working out, and I try, I really try, to get on the band wagon because I know I could look 1000 times better and more toned (and not to mention help my heart!), but it hurrrrrts me. I've tried just about everything and have found my way with only a few:

I can't run. I don't have the patience for circuitry. I watch the clock when I'm in a class... if I can actually get myself dressed to go to said class. I hate how much time is involved in getting dressed, filling a water bottle, stretching, lacing shoes, 'oh wait, I forgot a sweat towel', finding the tv channel or playlist on the ipod, finally working out, then taking in ice cold air that hurts to breathe, feeling nauseous, usually starving for dinner, getting home and taking a shower, and feeling you lost 5 hours of your day for a 30minute work-out. You can tell I'm a fat girl at heart, can't you? 
What's more fun to me is shopping for what you're going to wear to work out.
(...or just wear around the house so it just looks like you're really fit.)
So, if you're trying to get more involved at the gym this winter, take a look at the 3 great outfit choices I'm suggesting.

Now get to the gym, you good lookin' thing! And I'll try to head my own advice. 

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