Nov 20, 2012


...for all of the beautiful people in my life.

My family, my friends, people I no longer see, people that I've met on my journey that have given me bits of wisdom and life values that I carry with me everyday. You don't really ever stop to think about how you've become the person you are today. We are molded by every experience, every interaction, every relationship we've come into. Whether we realize it or not, each piece makes up who we are this very minute. When you look back and see how far you've come, in each aspect of your life, you realize how the people around you helped build the bridge to get you there.
So, thank you to everyone that has impacted me both big and small - my life would definitely be slightly less amazing if you weren't in it.

" Learn from everyone. A smart person who is dedicated to personal growth can find a gem of knowledge or wisdom from literally everyone. As soon as you write someone off, you’ve closed an avenue for growth. Humble yourself, and see everything as an opportunity for growth and learning. Also, patience is the most valuable attribute you can have. 
— Eric Helms, Pro Natural Bodybuilder

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