Jan 11, 2013

Fashion for your figure

Now that we're all on a health kick for 2013, I figure the next step is to embrace our figures and learn how to properly dress for our given shape. As women, we are notoriously competitive and envious of how other women look. It's just in our nature. Men don't look at other men, (although they do check out each other's trucks), but women were born and bred to say "I want to look like her. Why can't I look like her?".. Let's just chalk this up to the Disney Princess syndrome. Anyway, now that we're all grown, we've realized that maybe we just can't have what she has. I mean, I'll never look like Adriana Lima no matter how hard I try... first thing being that I'm not Columbian. What the hell, why not? 
The sooner we realize that we need to embrace what God gave us, the sooner we'll start looking good in what we put on our body. Some people can wear things like crop tops and wide leg jeans. I cannot.... and I accept that. Even though I own a pair of wide legs, every time I put them on I laugh at myself in the mirror. What drugs was I on when I purchased these? They don't look good on me today, tomorrow, or 3 years from now when they become 'in' again. See, I'm categorically a "rectangle"(observe the photo above). Rectangles or sometimes lovingly referred to as the "bean-poles"should stick to pants that are skinny cuts in order to add curves and balance out our shoulders. We can do some flares, or "wider" legs, but we need to make sure they remain fitted above the knees or else we'll look, well, homeless. 
I'm well aware that we're not all rectangles. There's also apple, pear and hourglass shapes.... you lucky, curvy bitches. I'll trade my boyish physique with your svelte womanly figures any day. So, take a peek at the photo above, figure out which category you fall into and come back here below to read up on what works when it comes to fashion for your figure.

The apple shape is described to be very similar to the hourglass but you have a slightly larger upper body and broad shoulders. An apple shape tends to have thin legs, but the chest and upper body look a bit out of proportion compared to the rest of your body. (Shut up, we'd all love your bra size.)
body fit twin: Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Hudson
Fashion for your shape: Apple shapes should dress to minimize their chest and create a proportionate frame by slimming it down. Tops that cinch at the waist, V-necks that lengthen your neck and minimize your chest and torso, and tailored/fitted tops will skim your silhouette in a flattering way compared to say a boxy top that would exaggerate your shape. Wrap shirts or wrap dresses are your friends. Single breasted jackets or coats are better because of the single straight line that will flatter your figure and not make you look wide. Create a trim waist with belted dresses and tops to make your waist look smaller. Wear longer tops that end over your hips. Elongating your waist will help make your chest and waist look longer and leaner, in turn instantly trimming down your chest. The key for you is elongating your figure. Wearing heels, lower-cut tops, longer tops, and wider-leg jeans will help to balance out your upper half and elongate.

The pear shape is pretty much the opposite of the apples. Pears are bottom-heavy with hips wider than their shoulders and have smaller upper bodies. The pear is actually the most common body-type.
body fit twin: Kim K, Christina Aguilera
Fashion for your shape: Pears should veer away from bold prints in order to not accentuate the wrong area. You can pretty much wear any leg-shape of pant and if you want to offset your killer curves you could wear a skinny jean or fitted pencil skirt with a cropped jacket to add weight to your upper body. When it comes to tops you want to widen your upper body with a wide neckline. Anything that expands past the width of your shoulders, like boat-necks, cowl necks, bandeau, or square will balance your frame to make you look more like a proportionate hourglass shape. Jackets with lots of pockets like safari jackets or padded blazers will also balance your upper half. Longer hemlines that hit right on your hips are a big no-no and will only accentuate your curves even more. The key for you is that with every outfit, make sure you are broadening your upper body visually with the necklines we discussed or making sure the length of your tops hit you right below the waist or right at the waist to balance your figure.

The hourglass shape is described to have a well defined waist and proportional upper-body to hips ratio. (Hips and shoulders are the same.)
body fit twin: Halle Berry, Scarlet Johansson 
Fashion for your shape: Hourglasses are in luck because they can wear just about anything. A cinched waist is uber flattering for you as long as it hits you in the right place (make sure your top and bottom halves look proportional. Wrap tops will also help flatter your shape as well as belted tops, nipped jackets, and pencil skirts with a shirt tucked in. The key for you is that with every outfit make sure your waist is stealing the show and always make sure it's the focal point. Go have fun experimenting with what you want to wear today - if only we all could have your figure!

The rectangle body-type is described to be all-shoulders, a small frame in general, with little or no curves.
body fit twinGwyneth Paltrow, Natalie Portman
Fashion for your shape: As a rectangle, let's be honest, you have no chest... so anything that will help maximize or enhance it will help make the boyish figure more womanly. You can add fun necklaces or scarves to your outfits and wear V-neck or U-neck tops to help draw attention to your upper body. Anything that adds detail around the bust area, like ruffles, ruching, sequins, or any embellishment is a plus. You can also fool the eye by wearing jackets or coats that flare out at the waist or dresses and tops that have a peplum to help you appear more like an hourglass shape. Large prints also work in your favor. Basically, you want to break up your silhouette to create curves and add some dimension to your frame. Anything that can flare out the waist will make you appear more curvy and anything that enhances your chest area will do the trick. (Because you know, it is a trick... a bit of Tom foolery.)

Jan 10, 2013

Health kick

Being that we always evaluate our health at the start of every new year, I, like everyone else, took a look to see what I could do to better my energy, keep the skin glowing, and feed the tummy with healthy alternatives. I've already done things to aid my healthy lifestyle starting back in 2012, and this year I will continue them since I've now become so accustomed that I can't live without them. Here they are:
String Cheese - I eat way too much cheese for my own good, but I'm always on the run and throwing one of these in my front seat or purse saves me when I'm suddenly starving but can't stand the thought of fast food. My hair appointments are notorious for running over (and into my lunch) so packing one of these makes it so much easier to pull out when I'm sitting in the chair. They're filling (as cheese is), they're convenient, and they're pretty healthy for you... packing calcium, protein and only 50 calories. 

KIND bars (fruit&nut w/ yogurt)  - I'm not a big breakfast person and can't stand to eat anything prior to 9am. This is counterproductive seeing that a good breakfast dictates the rest of your day. So, when my 10am belly rumbles start, I reach for one of these bars. They're delicious and packed with all kinds of healthy things.. fruit, nuts, calcium. They hold me over until at least 1pm for lunch, and I don't feel guilty eating them like I would a pop-tart. They also don't make you feel sluggish and full like an egg sandwich or a bagel would. Sometimes, when I wasn't feeling for lunch, I'd even eat one then. Late, unexpected meeting cutting into your meal-time, so no time to use the microwave for your leftovers? Pop these into your bag and you can sneak it during that 20hr pow-wow about nothing. They're perfect, really.

Water w/ lime - I'm not a big drinker, period. It's not my thing, and just to put it into perspective, I can eat a whole meal and not wash it down. Weird, yes? Well, this also leads to terrible things happening in my body, some painful and some related to fatigue. Ever since I've realized how great I feel when I drink water, and had access to filtered water whether at work or at home, I've become such a huge advocate of it. Since it still takes a lot for me to finish a tumbler of water, I started adding a splash of fresh lime and lime rings into it to give it some flavor. I now drink over 64oz's of water a day and holy cow can I feel the difference. Not only does it help your skin look flawless, but your body is capable of doing so much more when it's not dehydrated. All your little organs are lubricated for production and it actually curbs hunger for when you get the mid-afternoon munchies that kill your healthy lifestyle. (Those Cheez-it's in the machine are not calling your name!)

B-stress Formula Complex vitamin - This vitamin was recommended to me by a doctor when I was having health issues related to stress. Job stress, life stress, moving stress, living in NYC stress.... I was a hot mess. B-complex basically helps restore the B vitamins into the body. When you're over stressed, the B vitamins you get normally from food don't stay in the body and become depleted, decreasing the body's ability to cope with new stress. When you take a supplement like this one and follow a healthy diet, it helps to restore balance and energy. The key here is that when you're not stressed, you don't really need to take this since your body should naturally be able to maintain the B vitamins you are intaking whether from your multi-vitamin or diet. These little pills worked wonders for me in 2012 (super stressful time), and I still keep a stash for when my body feels like it's taking on too much.

Naked drinks - I buy these in bulk in my 2 favorite flavors, Green Machine and Orange Mango (for my vitamin C intake). I started out grabbing the small bottles while I was out running errands because I've developed a terrible habit throughout my design career of forgetting to eat. When I'm doing 20 things at once, I have the tendency to either eat really sh*tty (cookies? bagels? donuts?) or just chew gum until my teeth hurt. I come out of my stupor at 3pm and want to eat the entire fridge. Now I just run to the cold section of any store and take one of these babies on the go. Since September though, I've started adding them to my daily morning routine. I buy in bulk, and make sure to have an 8oz glass as part of my breakfast every day to get my day started with some great nutrients. The best part that I love is that they taste amazing and they also pack in some crazy "Dr. Oz"-type ingredients that do your body good. I couldn't live without them.

So, I've developed some pretty good habits but there's always room for improvement. This year I want to cut back on my wine consumption... I know, "what are you crazy?!" and make sure I have more fluffy, green vegetables on my plate at every single meal. I grocery shop for our house, and I'm really big on only bringing in things that are natural, without artificial sweeteners or preservatives and when there's a low-fat alternative, I always choose that one. It's not hard to do and I feel better knowing what we're eating and what healthy habits we're developing as a family.
I love hearing about new healthy lifestyle choices that I can incorporate into my life. What are some that you and your family share?

Jan 8, 2013

Prayers for Missoni

If you're part of the fashion talk scene, you know by now that shortly after New Year's, a small plane went missing off the coast of Venezuela carrying Italian fashion executive, Vittorio Missoni and 5 other people, which include his wife, Maurizia Castiglioni, a few friends, and the pilot.
To give you a little background, 58 year old Vittorio Missoni is CEO and heir to the Italian fashion house that is his family namesake. He is the eldest son of the founder, Ottavio Missoni, now 91. The Missoni brand is one of the relatively younger dynasties in Italy where family businesses often span hundreds of generations.  It was established back in the 1950's in Gallarte, Italy. Ottavio and his wife, Rosito, began a modest knitwear brand after designing Italy's 1948 Olympic uniforms. The brand is more known for it's signature zig-zag and geometric prints that are immediately recognized in the fashion world and have aided in putting Milan on the map as one of the world's fashion capitals.
Searches have went on for days, with family and government officials, in planes, helicopters and boats trying to locate the missing plane in Venezuela where the friends were vacationing. In late-breaking news, there also has been talk that those that are missing were actually kidnapped.

 We're not sure what's really going on, but wanted to send our thoughts to the Missoni family and hope that they get this squared away soon with everyone's safe return.

Jan 7, 2013

Look good working out

Welcome to the official first full week of 2013... Are you ready to throw your resolutions out the door yet? Many people start the new year off with a focus on fitness. I wish I was one of those "work-out" types. I hate working out, and I try, I really try, to get on the band wagon because I know I could look 1000 times better and more toned (and not to mention help my heart!), but it hurrrrrts me. I've tried just about everything and have found my way with only a few:

I can't run. I don't have the patience for circuitry. I watch the clock when I'm in a class... if I can actually get myself dressed to go to said class. I hate how much time is involved in getting dressed, filling a water bottle, stretching, lacing shoes, 'oh wait, I forgot a sweat towel', finding the tv channel or playlist on the ipod, finally working out, then taking in ice cold air that hurts to breathe, feeling nauseous, usually starving for dinner, getting home and taking a shower, and feeling you lost 5 hours of your day for a 30minute work-out. You can tell I'm a fat girl at heart, can't you? 
What's more fun to me is shopping for what you're going to wear to work out.
(...or just wear around the house so it just looks like you're really fit.)
So, if you're trying to get more involved at the gym this winter, take a look at the 3 great outfit choices I'm suggesting.

Now get to the gym, you good lookin' thing! And I'll try to head my own advice.