Nov 9, 2012

Closet Talk

If our clothes could talk, what would they say about us? Don't worry, that's not my real closet up there. I have buckets and buckets of shoes that get no play, and a whole side-wall of dresses that are not really in constant rotation. I can't get rid of them, though. I'm no longer in the business of disposable fashion, but consciously making an effort to keep inventory and build a wardrobe that not only speaks to who I am, but can be tapped into each season without ever going too far-off trend. Don't get me wrong, not everything gets play. There are things that must be held onto even though their fashion cycle is over. We all know it always makes its way back around again...

Unlike Cher Horowitz, I unfortunately do not have a hyper-meticulous, super matching closet system. What I do have is something that inspires me, and most importantly clothes me for all the right situations I find myself in. I think if my clothes could talk they'd probably coin me in 3 words:

  • Simple - I always think less is more, so when it comes to accessorizing, 3 things and I'm out.
  • Classic - Stripes, lots of black, skinnies, cargos, neutrals, v-neck tees, trenches, and ballet flats. I can't hide who I am and it works in my favor, I think. I'm pretty practical and I like being able to layer and interchange pieces so keeping them classic makes it easier for me to get dressed in the morning.
  • Feminine - Billowy blouses, draped dresses, ankle-length pants, heels and flip-flops. I've always kind of known what works for my body-type and more importantly my personality. I have no curves and I run the risk of looking like a face looks like I'm 12 so if I wear the sweet pinks, glitter and bows I look under-age. Luckily I'm prone to Boho. Being a beach baby growing up I had the uniform of tank, shorts and bikini. Hence the 'less is more' approach. Wanting to dress loosely and comfortably stems from this most definitely.

It's hard trying to describe your own style vs. someone else's but I think it's a worthwhile exercise to understand your current fashion journey and help make your shopping process more focused. When you recognize what works right for you the easier it is to create outfits and more importantly, get out the door faster in the morning!
Give it a try and see if you can coin your closet in 3 words or less. Now if those shoes could talk, they'd probably say "Pain is beauty, bayy-by!"

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